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In Carlos Conde we offer several courses designed to complete and expand your knowledge.

If you are a professional in the sector and want to continue training, or what you would like to start a professional career, this is your best opportunity.

Training of men's hairdressing & barber

We offer courses aimed at all those people interested in learning techniques in the field of hairdressing for men, who want to become professionals in this world and whose impetus and motivation will lead them to be the best. Our objective is to expand the range of services in this sector.

We guarantee a 100% quality training to acquire dexterity and security to those who start; and to those who already have experience, helping to expand the knowledge of the sector learning new techniques in hairdressing to adapt to the growing labor market.

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    Upcoming available courses

    This is a current list of the next courses that we have scheduled. Sign up so we can count on you in the next calls, or contact us to find out if we have any course you would like to attend.

    HOMOLOGADOS POR LA CONSELLERIA DE TRABALLO E BENESTAR DA XUNTA DE GALICA. Te permitirá trabajar en el sector de la peluquería / estética por cuenta propia o ajena.

      • Servicios auxiliares de peluquería. 330 h
      • Peluquería. 710 h
      • Peluquería técnico-artística. 600 h
      • Tratamientos capilares estéticos. 440 h
      • Servicios auxiliares de estética. 360 h
      • Tratamientos estéticos. 650 h.
    • Nuevas tendencias
    • Nuevos productos
    • Maquillaje
    • Manicura
    • Uso de navaja
    • Barbería
    • Estilismo
    • Corte de caballero